organic robot
Entire # 7 organic robot Hello and and welcome back. The longer we live the more we see the world change around us. Like technological advancement that we would only see in movies. With the future on its way, the line between science fiction and reality becomes unclear. Like the bio computers scientists are creating with rat neurons and stem cells. In order to do this the way this tech works is by first extraction some cells from a rat brain and having them culture in a glass dish, then they lay the neurons from the lab grown brain on top of a special electrode grid having them form a connection. The grid is used to appeal to the “brain's senses" in a way by sending electrical feedback. All of this was discussed in Thomas Demarse’s experiment where they had the brain learn to fly a fighter jet in computer simulation. (image source) Over the years there has been a recurring joke with anything with computing power or a screen. So this being a “computer’” in all, ...